Monday, September 28, 2009

Home Access Center and Grades

Because I use individualized weightings to reflect your own wonderful individual wierdness, oops , I mean charming characters, and because Eschool cannot accomodate this, I keep my grade book off line on a spreadsheet. This means that posting grades on Eschool (HAC) is double work for me. Even so I will try to post grades in 3 categories [tests and quizzes; labs; and homework] every 2 weeks or so. Honors and Topics project grades will be posted occassionally. Only the grades in categories are significant. HAC calculates the overall grade in a way that may resemble your overall grade for some of you, but don't count on it.

I am often hesitant to post grades because a retest that will change the currently grim picture is coming up soon, or I just know that lab resubmission is coming in tomorrow, but the flip side is that if I keep putting it off, your folks don't see where you are not keeping up. Therefore I will post the grades as they are and let you explain it to Mom and Dad. [To parents: let me know by email when you have a concern. I usually get back within 24 hours.]

Now here is the bonus: 10 points of extra credit if you print this out and bring it in with your parent's or guardian's signature.

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