Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Honors Physics

I am afraid you may be feeling a little neglected at this point. I will be providing a list of sample questions indicating the sort of thing I expect you to know when we get to our quiz next week. Look for that post in the very near future.

Again, at this time we are looking at the overall nature of what we need to learn to design a fusion power plant and how we can put individual bits of knowledge together to answer the kinds of questions which must be answered to design something. We will explore each of the areas we are discussing much more slowly and in much greater depth, but with the understanding of why we are exploring it and how it relates to other topics. I am hoping that with each new exposure you will find an area you find exciting or at least interesting to take on as your specialty.

I do not expect any of you to be able to reproduce any of the calculations we have made to date, but I do want you to get used to the process of using quantities and relationships to develop new information without being told exactly what to do. This a long term goal and if we achieve it, it will make you more valuable to yourself, your community, and your employers.

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