Friday, September 18, 2009

Honors Expectations

I would ( if I were an optimist) expect you to know or be able to:
briefly describe kinetic and potential energy
know something about what makes things go in a circle
why a fusion reactor is so desirable
definitions of fusion and fission
some typical fusion reactions
the reaction most likely to be used in fusion reactors
how to explain why the reactor plasma temperature has to be high
why fusion reactions yield particles with high kinetic energies ( sneak something about E = mc squared in there)
why you can't let plasma hit wall - 3 reasons or more
what requirements are for first walls ( including low potential for becoming highly radioactive)
how you confine the plasma including some discussion on how magnetic fields affect moving charged particles ( you probably even should throw in an equation)
how you get work out of a gas ( another equation would be nice here)
provide a brief discussion about how you use a magnetic field to generate electric power or energy

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