Monday, December 20, 2010

All Classes Units

I found lots of errors in choosing units, especially in the Simple Harmonics Lab (AP you'll be doing this soon enough).
The dimensions of a quantity are easily found. For example k is used in

Force (N) = k* displacement (m). Since k* (m) = N k must have units of (N/m).

Newtons are also (kg m/s^2) so k also has the units of (kg/s^2)

A graph of period squared vs Mass has a slope with units of time squared/mass or (s^2/kg)

A graph of v vs Amplitude must have a slope of (m/s)/(m) = (/s).

In another lab I asked what the units of energy /mass were, these are ( kg m^2/s^2)/kg =m^2/s^2

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