Thursday, December 23, 2010


1) The attendance today was very disappointing. It reflects an attitude toward our class that I am sorry to see. To those who did attend class, thanks. I hope you enjoyed and benefited from it.

2) Break Assignment. AP you already have yours.

Honors: Here it is. Counts as 4 homeworks. Present answers on clean sheets not the assignment. Show work for problems. Problems can count as a take home test for you if you declare it so. You can use notes, texts, and even help each other but you must understand what you did. I will question at least some of you and if I believe you just copied I will disallow the test for everyone.

3) Honors projects: Be prepared to present at least one forty minute class on your topic by January 3rd. A second presentation and written report covering all items in your outline will be required by January 11.

4) We raised about $430 for the Smile Train. Nice work everyone.

5) Enjoy your holidays, be kind to your friends and relations and do something good for strangers. See you next year.

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