Sunday, December 5, 2010

Honors On Rotational Motion

Here are up to date notes on torque and angular momentum.

They cover some of what the Rotational Motion Group will present tomorrow in period 2 and I will present in period 7. Read them so you will be able to follow it.

For tomorrow answer the following questions based on all you have ( or should have) learned about rotational motion so far.

A solid disk of radius R =50 cm and mass 10 kg is at rest. A tangential force of 10 N is applied at 25 cm from the center of this disk. Note that for a solid disk I = MR^2/2. Also note that 50 cm does not equal 50 m. Find the following:
aplha ( rotational acceleration)
atangential of a point at the edge of the disk i.e. r =50 cm.
After 20 seconds what is:
vtan at the edge
the KE of the disk
the L of the disk
the work done by the torque
the distance traveled by a point on the edge.
the acentripetal of a point on the edge.

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