Monday, July 7, 2014

Company and some local sights

We have had a lot a of company lately including a student a couple of weeks ago,  some friends from New Jersey who stayed the weekend to attend a Prairie Home Companion performance at Tanglewood,  some cousins from Florida who joined us for lunch on their way to Williamstown and Williams Colllege, friends from a nearby  town, and more friends, formerly from New Jersey, who joined us for a James Taylor concert at Tanglewood.

One of the place we visited around here was Tregelly's Fiber Farm which is replete with many breeds of sheep, a camel, some alpacas, peacocks, turkeys, a few yaks, some horses and seven dogs. It also offers the best views in our area. Here are some photos of some of this company and some of the places we went.
On the lawn at Tanglewood.

Our town has a small farmer's market every Saturday, it does get a bit larger as the season progresses and more produce comes in. Here are my wife Jean, and our friend, Diane contemplating a purchase.

On this particular Saturday our town band was playing.

On the following day we went to local lavender fair where we saw a young woman playing the bagpipes in an old cemetery...

....and a local church group had a raffle for a beautiful quilt.

Here are some pictures from Tregelly's.

The James Taylor concert was the usual sellout despite rain up until 7 o'clock. He is a very gracious performer, providing lots of music and staying on to sing encores and sign autographs until the staff just about had to drag him away. I later found out that over two hundred cars had to be towed out of the mud filled parking lots.

Two days later, when we attended an afternoon concert including a great performance of Brahm's second piano concerto,  the grounds were in pretty good shape.

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