Monday, June 23, 2014

Miscellany Late spring early summer

We live in Franklin County, which for the most part, is very pretty. Just to the west are the Berkshires, which are even prettier. Then there is Southwest Vermont, which is beautiful, especially if you throw in the Taconic Range which is in New York State. I was reminded of all this when I did a ride from Williamstown to Bennington on Friday. Hope to do some more in the very near future. Any cyclists out there can get some great riding in up in this part of the world. Visitors are welcome at the Cherdack house.

Did battle with some multiflora rose this morning. It's an invasive species that can take over whole hedgerows and large length of forest edge, roadsides, and trails. It has about a million thorns per yard of plant and I lost some  blood, but I think I won the fight, at least so far.

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