Monday, June 23, 2014

Father'sDay Report and the rest of the week

Sunday was spent on a great bike ride, attending a concert at Tanglewood [all Dvorak] and walking around and having dinner in Sotckbridge, one of my favorite towns. This thanks to my wife treating me for Father's Day. I did get a call from Daniel in Colorado.

Took a ride on Tuesday 3500 feet of gain in about 44 mies round trip. It is hilly around here. Best part is I got to see a bear, they do seem larger when you are on a bike and not in a car. I also got to see a really large deer [nope, not a moose unfortunately], chased a garter snake off the road before it became a flat snake, and saw a couple of turtles sunning themselves. I mention this last item in part because I go past a couple of swamps regularly, which seem ideal turtle habitat, but this is the first time I've seen turtles at these places.

Oh well, the other three days of this week so far were spent repairing the porch, replacing a screen door and installing some high quality storm windows.

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