Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Trip to Britain Part 1

Sorry for the long delay. We were in Britain for three weeks and then our ATT hotspot went down.

We started our trip in Norwich. Norwich has a very impressive Cathedral, a large castle, many very old churches and some other ancient buildings. It also has some interesting second hand/antique shops, an amazing concentration of bus kiosks in its downtown area, and can get very busy.

Here are a couple of pictures of the cathedral:

Our Next stop was Hawes in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales. The Dales are beautiful steep sloped river valleys. In May, and most of the rest of spring and summer, they are an amazing rich green, full of sheep and lambs and criss crossed by an astounding network of stone walls. Jean and I walked to some neighboring villages and then I hiked up the Great Shunner Fell, a local high point. Here are some photos:

I'll post more about our trip soon.

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