Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Visit to Britain Part 2- Loch Leven Scotland

After Hawes we headed up to Scotland where we stayed at a small hotel, the MacDonald Hotel, at the head of Loch Leven ( the one near Glen Coe.) The staff were very friendly and the food was pretty good. I must admit I do enjoy Haggis. The main reasons for  staying there was proximity to the Mamores, a wonderful range of mountains starting near sea level and rising about 3500 feet. I hiked up Sgur Na Eilde Mor ( Large Peak of the Hinds [does]) on one day and Am Bodanach (The Old Man - how fitting) on another. I rarely do more than one peak a day because of the time I spend at the top, just taking in the gorgeous scenery.

My hike up Sgur Na Eilde Mor was a little longer than need be, because I refused to believe the highly rutted trail I came upon was the right one and ended up following a track that soon deteriorated into a path laid out by a couple of deranged sheep having a very bad day. Following  smart sheep on their best day is still no way to get anywhere. Spend a little time with sheep and you can see where the expression "wooly thinking" came from and why it is so apt.  Anyway, after congratulating myself on reaching the "top" so quickly, I discovered that I was on a considerably smaller hill some 2 miles or more from my goal. Despite this it was a great day. The views of glacially carved ridges and corries (upland glens), rushing cascades, peaks of every shape was worth all the effort and much more.

Meanwhile Jean toured villages and waterfalls and priced local real estate.

Here are a couple of pictures of us at the head of Loch Leven

More about Scotland soon

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