Sunday, November 4, 2007

AP Lab Resubmittals

The resubmittals are very disappointing in many cases. Most of you did not fix the major problems with your lab and did not seem to even bother reading the extensive blog posts on the a=F/M lab(see posts on 10/21 and 10/24.) In the future, if you resubmit a lab with the same major errors, ignoring the comments I write on your paper AND on this blog, I will deduct points from your existing grade. I have enough to do without wasting time seeing the same errors a second or third time. How you can say your lab demonstrated F=Ma without your even knowing what F is, continues to amaze me, as does your thinking that a 100g mass produced 100 N of force. In future quarters, resubmittals will only be accepted where I specifically ask for them. Failure to resubmit will result in the original grade being entered in your quarter grade. Failure to respond to a see me will result in a ZERO for the lab.

If you do not know what you are doing, see or email me BEFORE submitting a faulty lab report.

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