Saturday, November 3, 2007

To Parents and other HAC users

I have now posted most assessments for all classes on line and they should be accessible to the HAC. Do not pay any attention to the student averages. Eschool cannot calculate grades the way I do, adjusting for a students particular learning styles and abilities. If what you see causes any concern, please email me.

One area that you may want to pay particular attention to is the lab assessments. Please note that low grades on first quarter labs can be raised by resubmittals, but please know what was wrong and how to correct it before you create your resubmittal and ask me to grade it. While I am flexible about many things, grades will include a signicant lab component since about 20% of of the course credit is based on it being a lab course.

Grades of "other" mean that while the item was received, for one reason or another I did not award a grade for it. Students must see me about these items or they will become zeros at marking time.

The purpose of attending school is to learn, not to be judged, and a grading system is at its best when it encourages learning. Please use the information available to you help your student learn.

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