Sunday, November 18, 2007

Momentum Lab using Carts

For the Momentum lab, we gathered data from several collisions. Ideally the total momentum of the two carts ( p1 and p2 added together) should be the same before and after the collsision.

For this lab, you should describe the procedure, carefully outlining which series of trials had M1 (or MA) greater than M2 (or MB); which series had M2 greater than M1 and which series had M2 as well as M1 moving before the collision.

You should have your original data tables. Use the time data to ind t1, t1', t2, and t2'. Be careul remember which times are from before the collsion and which are after. Remember to subtract where necessary and that t2 did not exist for many cases and t1' didn't exist for some.

For results discuss which cart moved which way after the collsions. Then find your v1,v1', v2 and v2' keeping track of which are positive ( toward the windows, as we did it) and which negative. Do the math for each trial to see if

m1v1 + m2v2=m1v1'+m2v2'

for each case. Find the percent error and see if momentum was approximately conserved. Discuss why differences may have occurred.

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