Sunday, January 6, 2008

Honors Period 4 Torque

The torque calculation for torque about the end of the meter stick we ended with on Friday was missing a term. That's why we didn't get better agreement.

There were three forces causing clockwise torque:
The weight of the 1.015 kg mass at .255 m;  T 1= 1.015 x 9.8 .255 = 2.54 Nm

The weight of the .515 kg mass at .99 m; T2 = 5.00 Nm

The weight of the ruler and pivot ( .225 kg x 9.8 ) at .5 m = 1.10 Nm ( this was the term left out Friday)

Total clock wise = 8.64 Nm

Counterclockwise: the upward force from the stand  (= Mtotal x g) at .5 m = 1.76x9.8 x .5 = 8.62 Nm for

Since the cw and ccw torques should be equal for no net torque ( which should be the case since there was no angular acceleration) the percent error is 

( 8.64-8.62)/8.64  x 100 = 0.23%  Near perfect agreement


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