Thursday, January 10, 2008

Honors Rotational Motion and Lab on Centrifugal Force

1) For Rotational Motion

know meaning of angular and tangential quantities and how they relate to each other. Such as Delta s =delta theta r; vtan = omega r; atan =alpha r, etc.
know relationship between Mac and centripetal force and ac = omega v= omega squared r = vtansquared/r know angular dynamics angular momentum = L = I omega;
Know I = M x [(r of mass) squared].
torque = I alpha just like F = Ma
more exactly
Delta L/Delta t = torque = Ftan x r ( r where Ftan is applied); just like Delta p/delta t = Fnet

Know if no alpha then no net torque so sum of torques = 0 [ cw - ccw +] choose axis to make equation easy to solve.
Know I = M x [(r of mass) squared].

KE rotational = I omega squared/2
KE total = 1/2 mv squared + I omega squared/2 squared; for rolling = vtan = omega r

Know angular kinematics , just like linear:
omega f = omega i + alpha delta t

Delta Theta = omega i delta t +1/2 alpha delta t squared

2) There are a huge number of overdue centripetal force labs. Get your siin now or continue to lose points

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