Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rotational KE Lab

1) Many of you misused the phrase KE rotational for a rolling sphere; that is you said

KE rotational = . 7 M vsquared. It is KE total that equals .7 M vsquared.

Please note that the KE total of a rolling sphere has two parts:

KE total = KE rotational + KE translational.

where KE rotatioanl = .2 M vsquared and KE translational = .5 M v squared

2) Nearly all of you correctly stated you could eliminate M since it appears in both the PE and KE expressions. However most of you wnet on to call the quantities you used PE and KE when they were actually PE/Mass and KE /Mass and the proper units were J/kg not just Joules. Please mark this on your labs so you do not have incorrect information in them.

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