Saturday, January 19, 2008

Worksheet R-2 Corrections to solution

Folks I just noticed that on problem 5 the angle from horizontal, theta horizontal is 60 degrees not 30 degrees as I has remembered it. Therefore the correct solution for tension in the cable is given by torque = 400Nm same as before, Fcable vertical = 400/1.6 = 250 N, again same as before.  
BUT Fcable = 250/costheta vertical = 250/cos 30degrees = 288 N.

Fcable horizontal =  288N( - cos 60) [ - because  the cable has a negative x direction] = -144 N so the Fhinge horizontal = +144 N. 

Fhinge vertical + Fcable vertical -Msign g=0 so Fhinge = --M g -Fable vertical = 500-250 = 250N

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