Sunday, May 31, 2009


I have had two emails from students about the auction I mentioned last week. I assume the lack of response is just absent mindedness and not a symptom of terminal indifference. If I am correct in my assumption let me hear from you pro or con. If it is terminal indifference....... no point in writing any more than I have.

Honors Notes for the Year

Here is a tabulation of the notes you should have obtained from my website and blog during the year.  Also provided is a link to the notes on rotational motion in magnetic fields since the blog notes didn't allow the symbols, subscripts and superscripts I wanted.

I will post a suggested order for, and key ideas you should have learned, from these documents soon. 

Please remember your assignment to come up with MC and problems for you project area. Don't forget the need to ,present basic physics in your presentations.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Honors Assignment

Each student is to create 3 multiple choice question and one problem in her/his project area for the final. 10 extra credit for each good MC and 25 for each good problem, ( good enough to actually use).

Great Adventure Labs

Great Adventure Labs are optional. If you do them, the first two will be graded as labs. The third, if you do it, will be added to your extra credits ( 25 points x grade/100). For those of you with some low lab grades, this will give you an opportunity to add some high grades into your current lab grade. Pick up labs from the correct group envelope in the white box.

Those who did not attend can use the packet you were given.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Great Misadventure

I would like you all to know that Tuesday I spent from 4 PM until 8:30 PM getting your group packages together which included sets of detailed instructions,  a set of instruments for each group and lab packets for all the rides you requested for each member in the group. The 17 packages were all in one box ready to go.

 When by 2:30 AM Wednesday morning I realized that a sore nerve in my back was not letting up any time soon, I sent an email with  instructions concerning the tickets and the box to my colleagues and the substitute service. I do not know what happened, all the emails were opened and clearly the tickets were located but the box seems to have been lost.

I am sorry that happened and I do not know what happened so that all that work was wasted but I suppose you were glad not to be burdened on, what becam, your totally uneducational trip.


We will renew our investigations of relativity tomorrow, reread through page 12. For Friday one progress report per group and group meeting report per student.  Please bring in material to work on for Friday and for Thursday for period 3.

Honors Notes

Please bring your notes in tomorrow. I will check them to see that they form a good foundation for studying for the final.

Great Adventure Labs

There are places in the lab sheets and related material that undo some of what we accomplished this year. PLEASE remember that there is no force throwing you backward when the bus starts: the bus goes forward while you try to stand still (you may overbalance and then gravity will  put a torque on you that causes you to head toward the bus's floor, but that is different from simply being thrown backward). 
Again, there is no force flinging you outward when the bus ( or a ride) goes around a turn. You try to go straight while the bus changes direction so the wall of the bus ( or the ride) needs to push on you to give you the required centripetal acceleration  for you to make the turn. When a ride slows suddenly, you don't surge forward, you just try to keep going as the ride stops.

Honors Assignments

1) Labs for great adventure: this is a sort of detour so do not spend more than an hour per lab report, you can work together but please no copying without comprehension, if you don't get it ask your friends or me.

2) Group reports. I should be getting at the very least one meeting report per person per week starting yesterday. I also should have received one progress report per group yesterday. The group progress report does NOT replace the meeting report

3) Tomorrow will be spent on projects, I will be focused on plasma and electric.  Plasma, heating, thermo, and electric have all received emails from me. If you did not get one, contact a group member.  [Are you guys getting group shirts??  talk among classes]

4) In order to allow 3 days for review before the final [ yeah a final, and if you think you're bothered, I've got to write the darn thing and then grade it 37 times] presentations have to begin next Wednesday June 3. Order will be the natural one: heating beams; plasma; magnets; thermo; electrical.  Presentations must be sent to me two days in advance so we have time to avoid disasters. Presentations must review principles as well as final design numbers. For example beams must discuss acceleration due to potential difference; plasmas must discuss basic transport and orbits; magnetics must discuss source of field, its direction, and how strength changes with distance from current; thermos must discuss work done by, during expansion and on, during compression, waste heat and how regenerative feed water heating helps efficiency; electrics must discuss Faraday induction and relationship between voltage drop and resistance in the stator and between V, I, and power.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Great Adventure

YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST use your assigned bus both ways

Great Adventure

Everyone: Labs are due Monday,

Bus 7 All my students EXCEPT Honors Section 3 and Charles Guo ( you guys got lucky)

Bus 8 Honors Section 3 and Charles Guo

Make sure to pick up instrument kit and lab packets. Bring pens or pencils and plenty of cash.

Students not going: pick up materials by 8 AM from your out folders in 506 and see room list on 504 or in r post of May 20 th, to find where ( room #) you can spend your nice warm dry day.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Honors Assignment

1) Have a complete set of notes from the blog starting at the beginning of September, i.e. all notes, summaries, etc. but not necessarily problems - although that would not be a bad thing- in a 3 ring binder

2) Have a group meeting with a meeting report from each person, the usual where, when, who, what, plus one progress report from each group.

3) Labs anyone? Ones coming in next Tuesday are -8 points but its better than the zero.

Great Adventure No Early Bus

Because of insufficient interest there will be no early return bus. Some students are arranging to be picked up by parents. Advanced authorization to release students to is required, i.e bring a note from Mom or Dad (REALLY FROM THEM) by Tuesday

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

SAT II for Physics

If there is a demand, I will up to 4 review sessions. Let me know by Email, including preferred time.

Great Adventure

There may be an early return bus. Let me know if you must have it or want it. Those are two different things and do distinguish between them in your email.

Those Not Going to Great Adventure

All Students NOT attending Physics Day

On Wednesday May 27th students not going on the field trip to Great Adventure will be expected to go to the following classrooms if their teacher is one of the chaperones listed below.

Mr. Charewycz , Mr. Fry, Mr. Gilmore, Mr. Florance, Dr. Cherdack, Mr. DeBisco, Ms. Musumeci, Ms. Hauser, Ms. Knapp.

Period Classroom Teacher
1 534 Marin
2 402 Thorpe
3 536 McCarthy
4 402 Thorpe
5 502 Substitute
6 536 McCarthy
7 534 Marin
8 402 Thorpe
9 534 Marin

All Juniors and Sophmores

The Rutgers Astrophysics Institute is seeking three students from Ridge to attend a summer program at Serin Physics Labs on the Busch campus of Rutgers University from June 29th til July 24 from 8:45 til 3 PM Monday thru Friday. The goal of the summer learning camp is for students to become knowledgeable about astrophysics and attain the ability to conduct research on x-ray sources such as black holes, white dwarfs, and neutron stars. Much of the program trains students to analyze data from NASA satellites. Students completing this program will be able and expected to complete further research during the 2009-2010 school year and attend meetings on weekends. Students who have taken honors or AP are prepared for the difficulty of the course. However the following are also required:

* curiosity
* an ability to focus on a long term research project
* sufficient amount of time to devote to this research

If interested, please see Mr. Gilmore. There is an entrance exam and an application. for more details, see the following web site for the program.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Honors and Others going to Plasma Lab

Log on to and take the virtual tour and take a look at NSTX and the magnetic reconnection experiment.

Bring lunch or money to buy it. We MAY eat there

Monday, May 18, 2009


The following of my students are to report to room 414 tomorrow 5/19 by 7:30
Chris Bower,
Rebecca Smith,
Tom Wang,
Kevin Shia,
Dennis Shih,
Jack Simmons,
Chris Bower

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Honors Assignment

Here are notes on fields and currents in tokamaks. These took a few hours to prepare so please do read them and try to understand them. Then do the problems at the end. They are pretty straight forward applications of the equations and ideas developed in these notes and in the class.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Princeton Trip

Permission slip in by Tuesday or you don't go on Wednesday. Also any non-citizens must supply info requested on the original post by Monday, and bring photo ID. everyone should review the original post.

AP Projects

Don't forget: proposals due on Monday

Honors Assignment

Your assignment for tomorrow is to have one concise physics question on your project that we can discuss tomorrow.

AP Special Relativity

Your assignment is to read the first 8 pages by Tuesday. Be prepared for a brief quiz on that day.

AP Materials

You must return any MC tests in your possesion by tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Honors and the chosen few PPPL trip

Please pick up a permission slip and get it filled out for our trip for next Wednesday, 3/20. They are in the green or orange out folders.

For those not in my honors classes, who asked to come: make sure your rehearsal schedule allows you to do so.

AP Projects


1) Proposals are due Monday , should discuss products and physics about 1 page will do. No more than 4 person per project.

2) we start presenting on June 9. Those who go earliest get extra points.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Your assignment for tonight. Read and take notes of all of Chapters 26 through 30. In view of the fact that many of you are still taking AP tests, I am only requiring you to do all the odd problems at the back of the chapters.

Go get some sleep. I hope you did well, but remember, there are many much more important things in life. In fact we will cover a couple of them in the coming weeks.


The assignment for tonight is two pronged, firstn plasma confinement; second lab :

I) Plasma physics:
1. Find the magnetic force per m of length on a plasma with a current of 8 million amps flowing in a magnetic filed with B = 6.5 T

2. Find the the pressure gradient ( Delta P/delta r) in a plasma whose central temperature is 150 million degrees and which has 5x10^19 nuclei per m^3. Assume that the pressure falls off uniformly from the center to near zero at the plasma edge which is 3.5 m from the center. remember P = (N/Vol) kT

3. For the plasma in 2, what is the current density, J (amps/m^2), required to balance the pressure gradient if B = 7 T.

II) Resonance:

1. The distance between a free end and a fixed end for the first ( fundamental) resonance or harmonic is what fraction of a wavelength? Draw a simple sketch.

2. The time for wave to travel from the free end to the fixed end and back to the free end in problem 1 is what fraction of a period?

3. To get a resonance again for the same frequency and wave speed as in the first casewith a longer tube, the length between the free end and the fixed of the new, longer tube must be must be_____ times the length of first tube.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Trip to Princeton Plasma Physics Lab

My honors classes will be going to the Plasma Lab on Wednesday May 20th. We will be leaving after first period and returning about 1:30 PM. We could use a chaperone or two.There are a few extra slots open to students who have shown bona fide interest in physics.

Folks, dress appropriately we may be going up ladders or climbing into vessles; no sandals ladies no high heels, slacks advised.
More IMPORTANT details
Your tour of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)
for a group of about 45 Ridge High School students is scheduled for
Wednesday, May 20, 2009, at 9:30 a.m. Please send me a list of the
attendees prior to arrival. Non-U.S. citizens must provide their
names, citizenship, dates of birth, and places of birth on the list.

Please be advised of the following for the tour:

l Cameras and tape recorders are permitted and encouraged.
However, no briefcases or packages are allowed on the tour.

l No high-heeled shoes, open-toed shoes, or sandals.

l Radiation monitoring may be performed of your group
as per Department of Energy (DOE) requirements.

l Hard hats will be provided if you enter areas where
they are required.

l No children under the age of 12 will be permitted on the tour.

Additionally, as a federal facility, we are taking heightened
security measures at PPPL. Upon arrival, all adult visitors must show
a government-issued photo I.D. This could include a passport or a
driver's license.
Non-U.S. citizens must show a photo I.D., plus give us the
following information: citizenship, date of birth, and place of birth.
For the welfare of both our staff and visitors, PPPL security
staff retains the right to inspect vehicles and personal packages
such as briefcases, satchels, book bags, and purses.

Honors Assignment

Review your fusion notes and be ready for a reading quiz on basics like magnetic confinement, what is a fusion reaction, where does the energy "released"come from, why do we need high fuel temperatures? etc.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Honors Assignment

Reread your notes on fusion, including the Hoffman notes and the notes on reaction rates.

1) Find the orbit of a deuterium nucleus moving at 3E6 m/s in a magnetic field of 3T

2) Find the reaction rate for a DT plasma with a temperature of 20 KeV and 3E19 tritium and 6E19 deuterium nuclei per m3.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


There will be a quiz on harmonic motion and waves tomorrow. It will comprise two questions and two problems and may be on any aspect we have covered on these topics so far. The questions will be test level (not reading quiz types)

Great Adventure/6 Flags

1) There will be an early bus which will get you back to Ridge around 2:30.

2) Deadline for $50 AND permissions slip is this Friday, 5/8

AP Period 3

A few of you seem to have drifted out of 506 with an answer key. I must have these back or I will have to renumber my tests for next year.

Creating new first pages for several sets of 40 tests each will not make me happy. You do want the person who is giving you your grades to be happy, don't you. Therefore, please check your backpacks, etc.

All Juniors

I was surprised and a bit disappointed to find that while many of you are taking physics next year, it is not a huge majority of my very talented classes this year that has signed up to continue with physics via AP II  or Honors Research - Topics in Physics ( 3 periods a week). 

Considering the interest and ability so many of you have shown so far, I expect to see well over half of you continuing.  If you are not among the many who have decided to take physics next year, reconsider. After all what is life without the beauty and challenge of understanding the universe around you.

Monday, May 4, 2009

AP Assignment and Rulers

1) Your assignment for tonight is FR 2007 Form B 4,5,6,7

2) Make sure you bring MC 6 questions and answers tomorrow. Period 5 we will take half another MC test

3) Bring rulers to the AP test for ray diagrams, etc.