Thursday, May 7, 2009

Trip to Princeton Plasma Physics Lab

My honors classes will be going to the Plasma Lab on Wednesday May 20th. We will be leaving after first period and returning about 1:30 PM. We could use a chaperone or two.There are a few extra slots open to students who have shown bona fide interest in physics.

Folks, dress appropriately we may be going up ladders or climbing into vessles; no sandals ladies no high heels, slacks advised.
More IMPORTANT details
Your tour of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)
for a group of about 45 Ridge High School students is scheduled for
Wednesday, May 20, 2009, at 9:30 a.m. Please send me a list of the
attendees prior to arrival. Non-U.S. citizens must provide their
names, citizenship, dates of birth, and places of birth on the list.

Please be advised of the following for the tour:

l Cameras and tape recorders are permitted and encouraged.
However, no briefcases or packages are allowed on the tour.

l No high-heeled shoes, open-toed shoes, or sandals.

l Radiation monitoring may be performed of your group
as per Department of Energy (DOE) requirements.

l Hard hats will be provided if you enter areas where
they are required.

l No children under the age of 12 will be permitted on the tour.

Additionally, as a federal facility, we are taking heightened
security measures at PPPL. Upon arrival, all adult visitors must show
a government-issued photo I.D. This could include a passport or a
driver's license.
Non-U.S. citizens must show a photo I.D., plus give us the
following information: citizenship, date of birth, and place of birth.
For the welfare of both our staff and visitors, PPPL security
staff retains the right to inspect vehicles and personal packages
such as briefcases, satchels, book bags, and purses.

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