Wednesday, May 20, 2009

All Juniors and Sophmores

The Rutgers Astrophysics Institute is seeking three students from Ridge to attend a summer program at Serin Physics Labs on the Busch campus of Rutgers University from June 29th til July 24 from 8:45 til 3 PM Monday thru Friday. The goal of the summer learning camp is for students to become knowledgeable about astrophysics and attain the ability to conduct research on x-ray sources such as black holes, white dwarfs, and neutron stars. Much of the program trains students to analyze data from NASA satellites. Students completing this program will be able and expected to complete further research during the 2009-2010 school year and attend meetings on weekends. Students who have taken honors or AP are prepared for the difficulty of the course. However the following are also required:

* curiosity
* an ability to focus on a long term research project
* sufficient amount of time to devote to this research

If interested, please see Mr. Gilmore. There is an entrance exam and an application. for more details, see the following web site for the program.

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