Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Honors Assignments

1) Labs for great adventure: this is a sort of detour so do not spend more than an hour per lab report, you can work together but please no copying without comprehension, if you don't get it ask your friends or me.

2) Group reports. I should be getting at the very least one meeting report per person per week starting yesterday. I also should have received one progress report per group yesterday. The group progress report does NOT replace the meeting report

3) Tomorrow will be spent on projects, I will be focused on plasma and electric.  Plasma, heating, thermo, and electric have all received emails from me. If you did not get one, contact a group member.  [Are you guys getting group shirts??  talk among classes]

4) In order to allow 3 days for review before the final [ yeah a final, and if you think you're bothered, I've got to write the darn thing and then grade it 37 times] presentations have to begin next Wednesday June 3. Order will be the natural one: heating beams; plasma; magnets; thermo; electrical.  Presentations must be sent to me two days in advance so we have time to avoid disasters. Presentations must review principles as well as final design numbers. For example beams must discuss acceleration due to potential difference; plasmas must discuss basic transport and orbits; magnetics must discuss source of field, its direction, and how strength changes with distance from current; thermos must discuss work done by, during expansion and on, during compression, waste heat and how regenerative feed water heating helps efficiency; electrics must discuss Faraday induction and relationship between voltage drop and resistance in the stator and between V, I, and power.

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