Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Honors 6th period

I think I may have said some things that scared some of you. When I quickly went through the three equations that can be derived relating displacement, velocity, acceleration and time, I did not mean to imply that I expected you to be fully familiar with them by Friday.

I wanted to show you how understanding a few simple ideas like displacement equalling time x average velocity and acceleration equalling change in velocity/ time could allow one to analyze and predict motion pretty completely. This was a preview of what will come in the course of our studies of motion and we will go over these equations more than once in the future. It is much more important that you see and understand where they come from then to memorize them and endlessly practice using them.

In the mean time, just knowing the definitions of average velocity and acceleration, and that vavg =(vi+vf)/2 and that vf = vi + aDt should suffice. You can use this information a bit at a time to solve problems without joining them up into more complex equations.

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