Saturday, October 17, 2009

Honors Groups

Remember that each group must have met by Thursday for the Force, Motion, and Energy unit and each student must report on who, where, when and what was covered

EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY by Monday each group should have prepared a brief outline including the system function and what important features of their system they will discuss (list several) and what key quantities they will produce such as nuclei per m3 and temperature for plasma; type and number of particles per sec for heating; field strengths etc. for magnets; vessel material and thicknesses for first wall and blanket; working fluid and flow rates for thermo; and currents for generator.

Make use of the fusion power plant study link I posted and the system issues I posted here earlier.

For more information ( you don't need to do much of this by Monday), look for links to (try the ITER site for some good stuff on these first three systems)
fusion plasmas, plasma confinement, transport in plasmas (probably much too much info here)
neutral beam heating and RF plasma heating,
tokamak magnets superconductors for magnets, tritium breeding and fusion reactor blankets, information on Rankine cycles, steam generators and steam turbines, helium brayton cycles if you choose a helium instead of steam cycle,
electric generators, power plant gnerators, large AC generators

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