Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Interesting Physics and Astronomy events

This is from Bergen County College, about 50 minutes away in Paramus ( the home of campmor for you outdoor types and 4 big malls for the shopaholics).

Our Astronomy Lecture series continues and we hope that you will be able
to attend our October 29 talk given by Dr. Steele Hill about the SOHO
Solar Observation mission and/or our November 5th presentation by Dr.
Jim Gates on Supersymmetry and CERN. Both talks will start at 12:30 pm
in our Technology Building room TEC-128.
( Directions to the
campus are at We encourage you to
urge your students (high school and college) to attend as our speakers
are eager to have them at the talks. Therefore, I am urging you

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