Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Honors Assignment

Try these for tonight and then we'll get back to kinematics.

Honors Unit 2 Force Work Sheet 09-2

1. A car is accelerating at 3 m/s2 to the north. If the car’s mass is 1500kg what is the net force acting on it?

2. A spring is stretched so that it produces a force of 20 N. How fast will it accelerate a 0.5 kg mass? Will the acceleration increase, decrease, or remain the same as the spring becomes less stretched?

3. A deuterium nucleus is placed in a magnetic field, B, with a strength of 4 Tesla. If the deuterium is moving at 2x106 m/s, what is its acceleration due to the field. [Reminder F=qv x B]

4. List the forces and their directions for a child going down a slide. Think about the two forces the slide produces and describe the role they play in the motion.

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