Tuesday, January 18, 2011

AP Review

So far the one error I found in the solutions is for number 5, the first acceleration is -2m/s^2, but I am only up to question 14.

There will be some questions about oscillations on the exam so remember what we covered Monday. F=-kx, PE = 1/2 kx^2, omega(looks like a wavy w) = sqrt(k/m), vmax = omega A ( A is amplitude, maximum x) KE max = PE max = E total = 1/2 k A^2 = 1/2 Mass * omega^2* A^2 ; Etotal = (PE +KE) [not PEmax+KE max]at any point.
x= A cos(omega t), a=-kx/M, v = - omega A sin (omega t)

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