Sunday, January 9, 2011

Honors Assignment

We will still deal with waves this week so once again read the material posted November 1 on waves.
For Tuesday, do the standing waves worksheet posted November 1.
For Monday do the following:

Find the wave speed for a transverse wave on a 5 m long clothes line with a mass of .2 kg ( for the whole 5 m) with a tension 160 N. How long does It take a wave to get from one end to the other?

A sound wave is traveling through a metal with a modulus of elasticity, Y, of 4 E11N/m^2 and a density, rho, (i.e. greek r), of 8,000 kg/m^3. What is the speed of the sound?

Answer the following questions from presentations. ( Numbers in [ ]represent section which must answer)

[ 2,3]What is the expression for the Coulomb force between charges. What is the force between a negative 1E-6 Coulomb charge and a negative 2E-6 Coulomb charge 2 m apart? Is it attractive or repulsive?

[2,3] Does the magnetic force occur to motionless charged particles or only moving ones?

[3] When ocean waves approach the shore do they speed up or slow down? Do they get taller? Does their frequency change?

[2,3] What causes normal waves (not tsunamis) in the ocean.

[2] What is the relationship between photon frequency and photon energy?

[2] Lasers require more electrons in ground state then normal or more electrons in excited state?

[2] Ocean wave energy is proportional to sqrt of height, height, square of height?

[3] How many types of quark are there? How many types of antiquark?
[3] How many quarks of what type are in each proton? each neutron?
[3] The force between quarks is related to their________
[3] are there quarks in leptons

[2] How many nodes are there on a guitar string for the fundamental (also called the first harmonic)?
[2] What does shortening the string do to the frequency?

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