Sunday, January 30, 2011

Honors Labs

There is simply too much similarity between labs, especially considering they contain the same very odd errors. For example, a large number of labs showed graphs of lambda vs c with the title frequency = lambda/c. They all showed the same slope and none of them described what the slope meant. Since they were all wrong in the same very silly way and since none of the labs said why the graph was made or what it meant, I can only assume it had one source and the rest were copies, made by students who could not be bothered figuring things out for themselves. I hope there is an alternate explanation.

You are allowed to do labs together, but you must show individual writing and thinking. If you don't understand it don't copy it and turn it in as your work.

If an incident such as this occurs again it will be treated as plagiarism with appropriate zeros awarded and other action taken. More important, I will just stop trusting you.

By the way, frequency = c/lambda and therefore equals 1/slope of your graph

Another odd thing that turned up in several labs is that c increases by, or perhaps 1.5 x as great if tension is doubled. I am sure your math teachers wold be less than gratified to hear you think square root of 2 = 1.5. I conclude a lot of copying happened here as well.

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