Sunday, June 26, 2011

Return to Ridge

Greetings from
1180 Hawley Road
Ashfield, MA 01130

If you plug that address into and click on satellite you can see a pretty good view of our new home. It is the one just above Hawley Road and to the left of Apple Valley Road.
The building on the right edge of the property is my barn and the one to the left of the barn is our ca.1884 farm house. There is a stream in between and you have to cross a small bridge to get to the barn. Pretty neat place to live, but it will take some fixing up.

If anybody needs to see me I will be in 506 most of this Tuesday. If no one needs to see me, I will still be there, cleaning things out.... ugh.

If you need to email me try my bernardsboe address; but if it doesn't work use

Enjoy your summer

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

All Students

I will be working late tonight, but I won't be in until about 9:30 tomorrow, which will give me only 30 minutes to update your grades. Please check your email in the morning for any requests for documents, etc. from me that may relate to your grade.

Honors and AP

Please check this blog tonight before going to sleep. If I need something from you in the way of a lab or homework or a test grade, I'll mention here or in an email, so check both.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Honors Equations and Defintions

Folks here is the latest version of what you can use on your final. It is a pretty good summary of what you should have learned this semester.

All Students

Bring in your text books ASAP but no later than your exam if you are using them to study.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Honors Review Homework

Complete review package including the fusion/tokamak material and JxB =Delta P/delta r stuff.

Homework is due date of the exam


1) All honors project reports are due Wednesday. They must encompass more than your slide shows. They should address the points from the blog post of early May. They are repeated here:

Plasma: number density (particles per cubic meter, temperature, energy confinement time, required fields

Plasma heating: neutral beams- current, voltage, power, fraction of accelerated particles which remain uneutralized and thus do not enter the plasma

Magnets: dimensions, turns, currents, fields i plasma and field at coil for all three sets of coils

First wall blanket: Dimensions, temperatures for first wall, blanket structure, liquid lithium ( inlet and outlet if lithium flows; flow rate of lithium.

Thermo dynamics: Temperatures, flows (kg/sec) and energies (joules/kg) throughout the cycle.

Generators: Currents, voltages, rotating field strength, area of coils, turns per coil- remember - 3 phase

2) sorry to have missed the demonstrations/presentations of today. I'll be available any period 1st,4th,,6th,9th) I do not have a final or duty to see them. All presentations should be provided to me via email or personally. Since the AP finals will only have a few takers I can be available 3rd and 8th for quiet demos.

Wednesday Morning

I will be available to those seeking help during the period 9 final exam time.

Monday, June 13, 2011

AP Kaity Problem solns

Kaity Vermillion is skating at .8c. How long does it take her in her frame to reach the end of rink 100m away in the rink’s frame?

Her time is t’=gamma (t-vx/c^2) x also =vt. so

t’ = gamma(t-v^2t/c^2) = gamma t (1/gamma^2) = t/gamma where gamma =1.67 Another, easier way is is t=gamma(t’+vx’/c^2) but Kaity is at the origin in her frame so x’ =0. and t=gamma t’

How long does she think the rink is?

This requires finding out how far from her in her frame is a colleague moving at.8c with respect to the rink who is at the end of the rink when Kaity is the beginning. Colleagues x’ is given by x’=gamma(x-vt) but what is t at this time? Try a simpler way.

x=gamma(x’+vt’), but t’ is 0 when Kaity is at beginning so x= gamma x’ and x’=x/gamma or 60 m.

If she starts skating at noon on her watch and the rink’s clock at the back end of the rink, when she thinks she the rink has gone -25m, where is she in the rink and what time does the rink clock at that point say?

Kaity’s time, t’, will be 25 m/.8c, x =gamma(x’+vt’) x’ still =0 for Kaity

so we have x = gamma(0+.8c x 25m/.8c )= 1.67 x25 m. Rink time is 1.67x25m/.8c

She is shining a green 6x1014 Hz laser over her shoulder ( pointing backwards). What frequency light do you, standing at the back of the rink, see?

f = f’(sqrt((c-.8c)/(c+.8c)) =f’/3 = 2x10^14 Hz

Her coach passes her at a speed Kaity sees as .2c. How fast do you think the coach is going?

ucoach in rink = (.8c+.2c)/ (1+.2c*.8c/c^2) =c/1.16

Given that momentum is gmv and KE is (g-1)mc2, and Kaity’s mass is 58 kg, what are her momentum and KE.

Honors Solutions

Here are the solutions to the Year End Review. They are as good as 3 hours sleep will get them. They are brief and sometimes to dense. They ARE NOT a replacement for your trying, your using the notes from the course, your paying attention in class. Get through currents, magnetics and start thermo tonight. We only have 70 more minutes together.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

AP Relativity Problem

Kaity Vermillion is skating at .8c. How long does it take her in her frame to reach the end of rink 100m away in the rink’s frame? How long does she think the rink is? If she starts skating at noon on her watch and the rinks clock at the bank end of the rink, when she thinks she has gone 25m, where is she in the rink and what time does the rink clock at that point say?

She is shining a green 6x1014 Hz laser over her shoulder ( pointing backwards). What frequency light do you, standing at the back of the rink, see?

Her coach passes her at a speed Kaity sees as .2c. How fast do you think the coach is going?

Given that momentum is gmv and KE is (g-1)mc2, and Kaity’s mass is 58 kg, what are her momentum and KE.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Honors Review Material

Here is review material for this semester. If you can do this, you should be in good shape for the final. It is due the day of the final for your class but you will be requested to do several problems each day on a particular subject each day. This way you can ask pertinent questions about problems you cannot do on your own. I am also posting a first version of the equations you can use on your final. It will probably be revised a bit, but use it for now.

AP and Honors 3 Back Homework

AP 5 Two back Free Responses came in today with no name. See meHonors 3Four homeworks with no name on them came in today. If you are the author of these, please see me. You need some help.

Honors Thermo Test

So far I have received one email about the thermo retest. I assume more than one person wants to take it, but I will not give the test to anyone who has not requested it and told me the time at which they want to take it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Honors Labs

I need to see the following people about lab reports tomorrow Please bring in all your 4th quarter labs.
Honors 3: Chris, Colleen, Jackie, Alex, Adrien, Shannon, Goedele, Paul, Erica, Josh

Honors 2 Bonbon and Krishnan

Honors 2 Homework

While not quite as appalling as your colleagues in Honors 3 your homework record is near an historic worst. I am posting my current record of your homework. You have until Monday to make up missing work. It will receive 80% of full credit.

Honors Thermo Retake

Because Thursday will be a short day the thermo retake will be held on Friday outside of your class time, or Thursday at noon if you can get home without a bus. You must email me with when you plan to take it. Note that the retirement reception begins at 3 on Friday so you'll only have 25 minutes after school on Friday.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Honors 3 Homework

Here is the rather disgraceful record of your homework performance. Get your late assignments in by Monday.

Thursday All students Going or Not

Students Going:

All students, report to your first period class. Wait for the announcement and then proceed to the old lobby and to your bus. Honors 2 AP4 and AP 5 are all on bus C.

Honors 3 is split between bus B and J : Bus B Aaron (Jack) through Kauffman (Erica)

Bus J: Leffler through Van Landegem

Tonight: look through the lab sheets you picked and see what information you need to get at the park. Make sure you have something to write on and with.

Stay with your group in the park, individuals get lost faster than groups.

Leave the park promptly. Be at the fountain by 2:45 and head for the bus. Do NOT get on long ride lines that will keep you beyond 2:45. Do not make 400 people wait for you.

You must stay on your assigned bus!!!

Students not going:

Subs or places to send students

Period 1 – study hall Hunscher

Period 2 room 534 Marin

Period 3 room 534 Marin

Period 4 room 536 McCarthy

Period 5 room 536 McCarthy

Period 6 – room 407 Hunscher

Period 7 room 534 Marin

Period 8 room 536 McCarthy

Period 9 room 534 Marin