Sunday, December 14, 2008


1) Many of you are still not using components correctly. In 2D problems conservation of momentum must be applied separately right from the beginning. You must put all the y components and only y momentum components in one equation and all the x equations in the other. YOU CANNOT write total momentum after at 30 degrees from the x axis= total momentum before at zero degree from the x axis (well you can write it but your equation will be untrue.)

Using one equation to find pdeuterium' and then multiplying it by cos theta will not give the right answer, especially since you don't know theta for the deuterium.

2) Many of you do not use the T-83 incorrectly: 10 to the - 11 is 1E-11 not 10E-11. The E has the "ten to the power of" built into it.

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