Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Honors Unit 5 Schedule

Here is the new schedule and a problem for tonight. NOTE Assignment for this weekend is The Unit 5 Worksheet 1r1 not Prob Sheet. Momentum Worksheet M is for Monday night

Tonight's problem is:

1) For a totally elastic collision, use the equations we developed yesterday and today (see earlier post today) to find v1' and v2' given v1 = 1 m/s v2 = -1 m/s and m1 = 1 kg m2 =0.5 kg.

2) Do this again only use the masses and v1 and v2 from the last run ( row 12) of our momentum lab. See how far off your results are from the lab and see how much KE was lost during the real collision. use (MAv1sqrd/2 + MB v2 sqrd/2) - MBv2'sqrd/2 since v1' =0





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