Thursday, December 25, 2008

Honors Fusion Reactor Report

I have posted a report with Annexes ( European for Appendices) on the Honors Material page on my website. Its the last link on that page. Download it and go through it and find material for your group. You don't have to print it all - its pretty long.

Thermo group. Lets stick to either steam cycles or the helium cycle , your choice. You will need to learn about heat transfer, but we will focus on converting thermal ( microscopic) to mechanical ( macroscopic) energy.

Electric Power group. I will try to reform this group but don't count on it. So, in the mean time you must pursue you goal of designing a generator.

Heating group can focus on neutral beams with a sideline in current heating.

Plasma group you've got plenty of good stuff here. Focus on main issues, number of particles and how long they are confined, and the required current ( coulombs per second circulating around thetokakmak) in the plasma

Magnets group, there is a lot here but you must also find basic information about how electromagnets work.

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