Saturday, December 6, 2008

Topics in Physics Assignment

For light from a moving forward ( approaching) source we get f =f' *sqrt[(1+v/c)/(1-v/c)]. What do you get for a backward moving ( receding) source?

Your assignment for Monday is to develop the Doppler shift for light when the light source is moving away from the detector. Show your derivation and answer and turn it in Monday. Use the same approach we used before, finding the time difference in the station frame from when the end of the light wave reaches a detector - when the beginning of the wave reaches the detector.  You can do this two ways. Keep the light source moving to the right and place the detector to the left or keep the detector to the right and have the light source move backward, to the left. Once you have this time or period T in station frame expressed in terms of the period in the light source frame, T' invert the ratio to get f in terms of f '.

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