Saturday, November 7, 2009

AP and Honors Missing or resubmit Lab update

Two items

1) Here is the latest on labs either missing or requiring correction and resubmission

AP 1: Evan, got your parallel and perpendicular components lab and you did very well on it.

Jay very good work on centripetal force.

Four people still owe centripetal force labs

AP 2: Brian good work on resubmission of components

one centripetal force lab missing. You know who you are.

Honors 1:
Kurt we'll need to go over a=F/m
Sarah, ditto on Conservation of Energy

Missing Electrostatics lab from Amber and Miguel

Hi Carly, you should remember to enter date and period on all labs, just the way Ashley( hi, Ashley) does it.

Honors 2: Jen got your a=F/M and you are done but see my notes. By the way, nice notes on electrostatics.

Missing electrostatics labs from Tony, Maria, Armin, Eric, Dean. Monday is last day!

2) Late homework will receive some partial credit. Enjoy tomorrow but keep plugging and finish your assignments.

3) Cannot check email because I can't reach our server ( again.)

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