Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Honors Assignment

Honors Physics Gauss’ Law Assignment

1. In a neutral beam injector a voltage difference of 500,000 V is created across a gap of .25 m between two large metal plates.

a) What is the field?

b) Assuming that the field is created by a layer of positive charge on a metal plate at one end of the .25m and a layer of negative charge on a similar plate at the other end, how much charge per square meter of plate is required to provide this field?

c) if the injector is designed to accelerate negative deuterium ions (deuterium nuclei being orbited by 2 electrons instead of the usual one) to the right, on which side is the plate with the positive charge?

2. A rectangular box .4 m high and .2 m wide and long has an average field of -450 V/m passing through it surfaces. How much (net) charge does it contain?

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