Wednesday, November 4, 2009

AP and Honors

1) For labs next, week we will be working with spreadsheets . On Monday, Honors classes should bring in their a=F/M, acceleration, and Conservation of Energy labs. AP 1 bring in your Moving Cart, a=F/M and centripetal force labs on Tuesday and AP 2 do the same on Thursday.

2) All "see me" and resubmit labs must be in by next Monday. Remember, every lab has a purpose of testing an hypothesis, often expressed as an equation. How well the hypothesis was confirmed should be discussed in your conclusion. All data needed for me to check your results and calculations should be included in the report as well equations used, and preferably at least one sample calculation.

3) Test results were a lot closer to what I feared than to what I hoped.

4)Grade were posted in Home Accident. They do not include yesterday's escapades. Also, for many of you the lab grade was a guess because there are so many outstanding resubmits or missing labs. Many of you should be coming in to discuss your lab status.

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