Sunday, November 22, 2009

Honors Ballistic Pendulum Lab

This lab is formal because it needs a procedure otherwise who will know what you did? Discussion should include the calculations you made to find v' ( right after the collision of the sphere with the catcher) from the PE final which equaled the KE right after the collision and then how you used conservation of momentum during a collision and the ratio of m' the (total catcher + sphere mass) to the sphere mass to find v sphere before it hit the catcher. Note that the effective mass of the catcher was 116 g so m' = 116 g + mass of sphere. There should be references to conservation of energy ( how you found KE from PE) and conservation of momentum ( how you found v from v'). Note you cannot say you proved anything since we have not measured v sphere to see if your calculated value for v sphere was correct. You can conclude something about how you can use conservation laws to find things out.

Section 2 lab is due Tuesday but I'll give an extra day since the rocket lab was so tough. Section 1 is still due Wednesday.

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