Sunday, April 25, 2010

All Juniors Really Interested in Physics Urgent

I have just learned of a fantastic opportunity for juniors interested in physics. Rutgers is holding a summer school, and here is the information I received from Dr. Schnetzer Friday.

"I learned this past week that Rutgers have been officially funded by QuarkNet to host a summer research program again this year. This will be a six week program in which the students will get hands on experience with cosmic ray detection and with our work in high energy physics. I know that you [ that means me] were interested in sending some students to this program last year but we were already full up so I wanted to give your students first priority this year. Please let me know if you know any who would be interested. We'll run from June 28 to August 6. Students receive a stipend of $1960 for the six week period. "

I need expressions of interest from you ASAP!!!

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