Monday, April 26, 2010

More on Juniors Interested in Physics

It just gets better. Here is a little more info. It runs from 6/28 to 8/6

We'll likely start each morning at 9:00 and end at 3:00. I don't have a syllabus. Here is a brief description of what the students will be doing from Dr. Schnetzer.

"For the summer, you will be primarily working on developing cosmic ray detectors. This summer we plan to begin deploying a large array of counters for detecting very high energy cosmic rays. You'll also get some experience with our work on CMS which is one of the two large detector facilities built for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The first data from the LHC is coming in and I'm hoping that the students this summer can get some experience looking at this data. We'll also have daily extended lunch discussions where we will go over a wide range of physics topics. Once a week there will be a guest presentation by someone in the Rutgers Physics Department. You will be working with seven other high school students. Two high school teachers will also be working in the program. Four Rutgers faculty members (Yuri Gershtein, Ron Ransome, Eva Halkiadakis and myself) will supervise the program."

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