Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Honors Rotational Motion

We will begin our study of oscillations and waves with a review of rotational motion. Please review the following notes tonight and answer these questions by Thursday.


1) A wheel makes five rotations in every 3 seconds, what is its omega?

2) If the wheel in problem 1 is .25 m in radius, how fast is a point on its rim moving?

3) What is the change in angular position ( i.e. delta theta) for the wheel in 12 seconds ?

4) If a wheel is .35 m in radius and has an angular acceleration .35 radians/s^2, what is the tangential acceleration in m/s^2 of a point on the rim?

5) What is the displacement of a point on a blade on a turbine/generator with a radius of 1.2 m after five full rotations. What is the distance it traveled?

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