Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Field Trip

1) My records, i.e. overflowing pile of loose papers, show following of my honors students have decided not to play hookie, I mean engage in an intense learning experience at Princeton Plasma Physics Lab tomorrow: Kristie Wei, Kelly Scott, Julie Sandelovsky, Katie Twillman, Kathleen Kirk, Melissa McGurl. If you are one of these people and are planning to go contact me immediately. Otherwise be good during 6th and 8 th and do what you are told. Remember, my spies are everywhere. You can use the laptops if no one has pinched them.

2) AP kids, I 'm going to Princeton Plasma Physics Lab tomorrow and you can't come. So there. Behave yourselves, do the worksheets, see remark above re: spies.

3) Honors research you can use the laptops if no one has pinched them.
Please check to see all of them are shutdown.

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