Sunday, April 25, 2010

AP Students 3 items

1) I have been looking over some of the free response tests from the break package. We will be going over them in class. I hope many of you have gotten over whatever laziness and distractions (break and prom, for example) were interfering with your performance and are now ready to produce a real effort for the next two weeks. You will need to consolidate your knowledge and firm up your understanding by two weeks from tomorrow. You must show the maturity to put in the effort to accomplish this. Someone's paper complained of not being able to understand the questions, as if it were the questions' fault. The paper had no name on it.

2) Some of you did not bother writing the MC test # ( 2 or 4) on your scantrons. I will not score these. These were meant to be practice and were not graded as tests by me, but are a means to gauge where you are in your preparation. If you got someone else to provide answers to the questions you wasted everyone's time and diminished my opinion of you.

3) I asked students to email me with preferred afternoons and/or mornings for review sessions. So far one response. You folks certainly need more review than class time will afford, especially with AP exams in other subjects interfering next week. Unless I get a flood of emails by 2:30 Monday the schedule is Monday, Tuesday, and Friday afternoons and Tuesday mornings for the next two weeks.

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