Monday, April 12, 2010


Here is some info for now. Stay tuned during the break for further communications

1) Ridgenet is down so I cannot work on your grades . I'll let you know when I can get back in to my files/your grades.

2) Honors: I cannot post the honors presentations now, but when I do, go through them. Each student is responsible for having learned the material taught by other groups in both sections. Your assignment for the break is to
-meet at least once,
-make progress on at least two of the points you identified as needing further work, each student is to report that progress individually, i.e. describe what new stuff you learned. This will be graded so do a good job.
-write a summary each of the other group's work as presented.

3) AP do the tests and use MC 4 as part of the practice test. Do the problems and reading as called for in your schedules.

4) research: We will continue with solid state presentations when we first meet and then move into general relativity, the next meeting. Stay tuned as I may post some reading for you.

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